Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are you ready for some Football?

The fall season brings to mind things like the changing of the leaves, school starting, and one popular sport - Football. Football is one of the biggest sports for friends and family getting together to enjoy each others company and the game. There are numerous ways that people can plan events to get in on this pastime: You could be going to the game, inviting people over to watch the game at your house, or getting everyone to meet at a specific bar or restaurant. No matter which path you take it will take some planning to make sure that your Sunday is, in fact, a "Funday."

The major things to think about include:
  • Food-Always think about what time of the day the event will be and what types of food would be appropriate. Consider how long the event will be and make sure their is snacks to cover the day. Consider possible food roadblocks (no grill, guest is a vegetarian or has food allergies, food is cold but will be sitting outside). Call the restaurant or bar and find out if they are having their regular menu or something special for football season.
  • Drinks-With this you need to consider if there will be alcoholic beverages available with the non-alcoholic options. If there is going to be alcohol at the event remember to consider how people will safely get home. Call the restaurant or bar and find out if there are any specials.
  • Parking-This is something to consider with any event.
  • Seating-Make sure that every person can find some kind of a seat somewhere. This one doesn't quite apply when we are talking a pregame tailgate where standing is obviously allowed.
  • Televisions or Tickets-The game is technically the reason for the get together isn't it?
Hopefully some of these things will help you know what to consider before your next game day. We all know there is nothing worse than needing more ice or chairs or food or drinks during the game and having to miss the game to fill the void.

Happy Planning
Social Betty

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