When you are planning an event, no matter the kind, there is one thing that you know you will need: a Venue. Selecting the right venue for your event can be very difficult and take a lot of time, but once you find that perfect venue it is totally worth the effort it took to find it.
There are two major things to first consider when you begin the hunt for the venue of your dreams: the amount of money you can spend on the venue and the size of your guest list. Some people will put more emphasis on one of the above issues, but they really do offer equal importance. Finding a venue that you love that is out of your price range, way to big, or way to small will only put a damper (and waste time) on the venue selection process. The next important thing to consider is the location of the venue. We are assuming that you already had some idea of where the location would be (such as the city) and now it is about really figuring out where to have the event. Is a downtown location better for guests or something in a suburb? Does the event occur after something and should it be in walking distance from the first portion? This is just one more thing that can help cut down the list of places to look into.
Now that you know the budget, size, and location preferences for the venue it is time to start your search. Online review sites and event posting sites such as, you guessed it Social Betty, are a great place to start; you can often see pictures of the venue and read reviews from other people who have used it. Looking at these different sites can also cover other important areas that need to be considered such as food, beverages, parking, decor, and other amenities. Anything that can help cull out options that don't work and highlight ones that might without having to go to a million different places is key.
Towards the end of the online research it is best to create a list of the 3-7 top places to actually go look at. Contact the location, set-up an appointment, and head their way. Now you simply have to decide which venue feels like the right one you and your guests. Hopefully these tips will help save you some time and find the venue that will make your event as amazing as possible.
Happy Planning
Social Betty